As I was walked down the aisle by the usher I was sat down in
the front. I think to myself while sitting there why am I in the front row at
this wedding for someone I don’t even know?  I am surrounded by people that I do not
know. All of the sudden the music plays and every one stands: Here come the
bride all dressed in white plays threw the church.


A woman and my son walk down the aisle. I wispier to the person  next to me “who is that?” as they remind me “she is your granddaughter.” I do  not remember her but I do remember my wedding day clearly. I really loved my  beautiful dress and flowers with the huge bow and veil on my head my day of true  happiness.

As the Officiate starts the wedding I listened it sounded so  lovely these to people stared into each other’s eyes. Bo I wish I could remember

I start to drift back to my wedding and emember back to when me  and my husband said I do and I scream out “I do”


Everyone at the wedding is looking at me as a realized this is  not my wedding and it was all a flash back I cry in my seat remembering my husband is dead and I am watching my granddaughter who I cannot remember is getting married.

At this moment I realized I do remember her running around with  my husband was he was still alive. I waited till the end of the wedding and  hugged my son and my granddaughter Michelle which for that moment in time I
remembered.  It felt amazing and  warm to feel the love of the family I could barely remember.